Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Celebrant in Poole: Weddings, Renewal of Vows, Baby Naming.

Salterns Hotel is happy to offer semi-religious or non-religious ceremonies for Weddings, Renewal of Vows, and Baby Naming, in association with Diana Saxby, leading Independent Celebrant:

Achingly Romantic Weddings
A bespoke service, designed to your own individual needs and wishes. The ceremonies may be as dignified and serious as a church wedding, and include spiritual or scriptural readings or have the religious element replaced by words and music which have real meaning to each couple. Together with you, Diana will design a bespoke, elegant and achingly romantic ceremony which will reflect your own personality, expressing your commitment in a public declaration of your love for each other.

Renewal of Vows
As couples reach a milestone wedding anniversary they often look to renewing their wedding vows. Your original vows or new, personalised vows can be used or you can be encouraged to write your own poignant words or have them composed for you. By sharing precious moments and thoughts, these can be woven into your ceremony in a public declaration of your ongoing love and commitment to each other.

Baby Naming
Naming ceremonies welcome a child into a family and confirm his or her identity. They are officially embraced within their family, whether they are newborns, adopted children or step children. Perhaps you are a single parent and wish to affirm your commitment to your child/children with a simple, meaningful ceremony. These ceremonies can be held indoors or outdoors at Salterns Hotel. Diana's ceremonies allow a number of choices for you to include in your ceremony and she has an extensive collection of readings, poems, prayers and blessings for you to choose from, or you may include your own personally written or selected pieces which are meaningful to you.

Diana Saxby, Independent Wedding Celebrant

Diana is a trained Independent Marriage and Family Celebrant, registered with the AOIC, the Association of Independent Celebrants. She is an open-minded and forward thinking celebrant, recognised for her sincerity, warmth, natural sense of order, attention to detail and her calm, dignified nature.

Diana is one of the country’s leading marriage celebrants and is in demand for her bespoke elegant and achingly romantic ceremonies, tailored to each individual couple. As a dedicated full-time marriage and family celebrant, Diana is available 7 days a week for consultations, contact, and to conduct ceremonies. She will fit in with your diary commitments, not ask you to fit in with hers.

ContactSalterns Hotel Poole for details of the venue:
Tel: 01202 707321 Email:
Diana Saxby for details of the ceremony:
Tel: 07760 110 007 Email:

*Please note. Diana offers her services independently of the hotel. You would make arrangements directly with her for your ceremony, and with the hotel for the venue and any other requirements such as catering and refreshments.

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